Monday, 28 January 2013

Baba Disliked Diets!

It's been a very long time since my last post, and I keep meaning to come back and write some more stories, but never seem to find the time.  Tonight, I thought, "Just do it, don't think about what else you should be doing, write on your blog."  So here I am, and here is the story.

This story was really pertinent for me at this time because I'm thinking about dieting and cutting out sugar, 
simple carbs and excess fat in my food.

A few days ago a group came from Mumbai and they brought me a packet of "bhakras" which are a traditional Parsi sweet snack - a cross between a muffin and a biscuit - and I persuaded Meherwan to eat one with his hot milk last night.  While eating he started reminiscing, as he does.

Baba had expressed a desire to eat bhakras, but His health was not good, and His blood sugar was trending on the high side, so Dr Goher sent Gaimummy the requirements for the bhakras for Baba:  Very little ghee, sugar and no extra ingredients.  Of course, because the whole charm of these snacks is that they are loaded with ghee and sugar, the batch sent by Gaimummy were leathery and not very appetising.  Meherwan took them with him when he went to Meherazad for his annual visit, gave them to Goher and then thought no more about the matter.

A couple of days later, in the evening a call came for him from Baba.  Going to His room he was surprised to be given a bhakra by Baba.  This was one from a batch sent by Roda Mistry (Arnavaz's sister and mother of our Meherazad trustee, Falu) which had been made most indulgently. They were soft, melt-in-the-mouth and deliciously sweet! Absolutely loaded with calories, sugar, ghee and white flour!!  Baba watched Meherwan eat it then asked him how did he find the snack.  On being told that it was delicious, Baba gestured, "This is how bhakras should be made, not like the ones you brought from Poona."  (I have seen Baba make this face, and even the most ignorant and insensitive would immediately know that Baba didn't find whatever it was that was offered to His taste or pleasure!) Of course, Meherwan could not say to Baba that Gaimummy was only following Dr Goher's orders and making them the way she had directed!!  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Debbie,

    Thank you, I enjoy writing these and it's great when others get pleasure from reading them. See you in His home, Meherazad. I live there, and am rarely in Meherabad. Jai Baba and welcome home!! Mehera.

  3. Dear Mehera,

    Thank you for this story and the one about Begum Aktar. Last night I had a sugary pecan bar from Whole Foods, so reading this blog this morning feels appropriate.

    We met several times in India in the '90's, when I worded for awhile at the Trust. Here's a story I hope you like. I went on Rustom's diet (very strict) which included no chai. So at tea with Eruch, I turned down the chai. It was so difficult! The cups of chai had never looked better.

    Eruch didn't like what i did. He said, "Jill, will you not have chai and keep me company?"

    So lots of chai again, and so glad for listening to Eruch.

    In Baba's love,


    (Jill Davis, Seattle)

  4. I remember you Jill!! Thank you for getting in touch and sharing your experience. Hope to see you in Meherabad/Meherazad soon, Baba-willing.

    Love in Him,


  5. "Don of the Den" ("Lord of the Universe") submitting himself to human limitations is an indication of Meher Baba's Infinite Goodness.
    This is such a good & an enjoyable story that it helps to reinforce remembrance of Baba in daily life. Kindly share more such stories.
    jai meher bābā


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