Tuesday 1 May 2012

Meheru is Briefly Back in Meherazad.

This morning Ted Judson arrived around 10.20 a.m. with Meheru's ashes in a stainless steel box. He has engraved her name on the top himself. Meheru's ashes will be stored for a day or so at the side of Beloved Baba's bed and then in Mehera and Mani's room. Still later yet they will be put in Mandali Hall before being taken back to Meherabad to be interred on the left of Beloved Baba, alongside Mani, Goher, Katie, Mansari, Khorshed.

Two of Meheru's long-time companions and carers are absent, Kacy Cook and Kristin Crawford. Did she have a special preference for the initials KC??? Who knows. But Kacy is returning 6 June 2012.  I just heard that Meheru will be interred on 20th May, Mehera's day.  It is so fitting that this day be picked because, as Shelley said, last year Meheru's annual vacation to Kashid was being planned, and she refused to go before Mehera's day.  "I will always be here for Mehera's day." she said.  So it will be that Meheru will always be remembered with Mehera, her aunt.  And as in life so also forever after, she will be in the background, present but not the centre of attention, as she always preferred to be around her dearest Mehera.  The stone has been ordered and Nadia will paint the little crypt into which the ashes will be lowered and sealed.  Once this is done, all the places up on the Hill will be filled.  No more places and no more women Mandali left. 

The main bungalow and Meheru's quarters are being cleared by the five ladies - Shelley, Davana, Julie (Lee-Morris), Heather and Janet. I must admit, I don't envy them their tasks. There is so much collected. This is a common trait for (especially) the women mandali. They rarely discarded anything because you never knew when you would need it. However, this is great because so many treasures finally see the light of day after years hidden away. Pictures, mementos, lockets (both Baba lockets and the cough lozenges that Meheru liked so much!)and the like are rediscovered.

Eventually, Meherazad will be restored to what it was in Baba's time. Except Mandali Hall, that will remain as the pilgrims remember it after Meherazad was opened up to visitors, post 31 January 1969. I would love to hear from you all out there what you feel about the future of Meherazad, because it is something I have wondered about over the years.  Loving Jai Baba to you all.

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