Sunday 1 July 2012

The Lord Gives And The Lord Takes Away...

As my regular readers know, I spend most of my time in Meherazad looking after my aunt Manu, and helping my uncle Meherwan in his constant care of her.  Right now I am also working with him on the first edit of his memoirs.  As I read the memoirs I realise how much the Lord has given them.  They were His from the very start of their lives and He gave them so freely of His love and service and obedience and pleasure.  They have played games with Him, they have walked with Him, talked with Him and He has very clearly told them over and over that they are His own! 

He also took away everything that would matter to us living in the material world.  Their beautiful home, their financial security, their 'free' will, family ties - all were taken away and over and over they were taught to put Baba and His pleasure before anything else.  They were made to wait 47 years for a call that He had promised He would give (calling them to live with Him in Meherazad) in 15 days, 20 at the most!!  And when that call came, He had already dropped the body.  But ever obedient, they went. 

Talking to Meherwan as we walked this morning, I asked him what was the most important lesson that he had learned in his life with Baba.  "Constant humiliation," he said.  Baba puts His close ones through humiliation over and over and over again.  He said that Eruch once told him that life with Baba was just one humiliation after another.  Meherwan said that when he first came to live in Meherazad with Gaimummy and Manu they had to endure a lot of humiliation.  They had left a large and happy home in Poona and come to live in two cramped rooms over on the men's side.  There were already established 'authority figures' who resented these 'new-comers' and took every chance to make them feel small.  But they held on to the strong conviction that they had been called by Baba and no one else.  They were only going to focus on Him.  As always.  He told me that I should be prepared to be humiliated and reviled in Baba's work.  If my ego could not take this then I would miss a chance not given to many. 

Listening to him I was reminded of the prayer said at the graveside by Christian priests - "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.  Blessed is the Name of the Lord."  Truly, these words have been made living fact by the Jessawalas, every single one of them.  Jai Baba!

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