Sunday 13 September 2009

Dhuni Two..

Yesterday was the second Dhuni since I got back from England. It was a month ago that I last saw Erico and Heather, and hugged and greeted them and promised to visit and catch up. Erico is now with Baba, Heather is still struggling with her injuries and moving towards recovery.

I always throw a stick of sandalwood into the Dhuni and ask Baba to take what He wants, and I expected to do the same this time. However, as I knelt by the fire there was the strong urge to throw in something specific. Since arriving here I have been struggling with a lack - a deep attachment back in England that has made my home-coming very difficult. I asked Baba to take the attachment and use it for His own purposes. For a while now, every time I feel unhappy I try to remember Him, and take His name. This is a big help. Today, surprisingly enough, I find that I can recall good things and I feel more cheerful and relaxed than I have in a long time. Surprising what a Dhuni fire will do. Love and Jai Baba.


  1. Thank you for reminding us of that most beautiful name: Meher Baba. In both meaning and sound it is a name of great beauty and meaning. And congratulations on your Dhuni. Thanks for the blog.

  2. Hi choti, I am here with Anijee at her place and I am able to see your writtings. We want to send our love to you and say thank you for your blog with its insightful stories. Ani really enjoys reading them as I am sure many people do. Choti, I leave on Monday for S.f. and allow me to say that I too am feeling much lighter and happier by Beloved Baba's Grace. In His love,
    Ani, and Miriam Didi


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