Sunday 20 May 2012

Meheru's Interment - The Final Stone Is In Place

It seems only yesterday we were talking to Meheru on the porch and she was looking forward to her summer break in Kashid.  Today her urn was placed in the designated place and the stone covered it, marking the place where Meheru Irani, Meher Baba's youngest and last surviving woman Mandali member, last of the New Life companions will be remembered.  It is not the place she will be in until Baba comes again in 700 years, because her place is with Him and her beloved aunt Mehera and the other women - forever.  It is the place where her last few mortal bits rest.  The bulk of her ashes will be scattered in Meherazad privately.  It was a sudden and very quick journey for her and for all her Meherazad family and carers.  Today was it's culmination. 

The day started in Meherazad with Meherwan and Manu.  We were up at the usual time, but today there was a sense of urgency.  All the chores had to be finished by 8.00 a.m. so we could go to Meherabad.  Meheru was already there, in Beloved Baba's Samadhi from the previous day.  Due to the water shortage we at Meherazad are having baths only two or at most three times a week.  Today was my bath day, and I had an early one.  Garlands were offered at the main house - Baba's bed, Mehera's bed, Mani's bed and lastly on Goher's bed where Meheru slept until the end - and we also offered a garland in Manu's room, to the picture of Baba where He said He is physically present. 

At 7.55 a.m. we saw the car with Michael Ramsden, Mitra and Meherdad head off, but Shelley had just received a call from Jangu, Meheru's brother, who was on his way from Nasik with other family members.  We waited for them to arrive and the two cars went in a small convoy.  Meherwan, Falu, Davana, Shelley and I arrived at Meherabad at 8.50 a.m.  After darshan in the Samadhi and prayers we moved to the side where Ted was waiting with the cover stone and the top memorial slab.  Nadia Wolinska's beautiful painting inside the crypt included two dogs; Gabriel (Gabby for short) who has only three legs and is the last dog Meheru adopted and Rolly whom she was so attached to that she let him sleep in her room and made sure he was covered even in the heat of summer!  She also had a cooler and fan for him on the porch, to cool him off during the day.  Jangu was asked to bring Meheru's urn to the site and give a talk about her.  He was very sweet and said how proud he was of his big sister whose life had been dedicated to Baba, and how happy he was that she was now with Him.  He said that her true family was the one in Meherazad and he handed over to Shelley who read out a moving dedication to Meheru's life.  This was followed by Heather reading out a poem of Meheru's.  Then the urn was placed in the crypt by Meherwan (Jessawala) and Jangu, then garlanded.  The urn was covered with a granite tile in mauves and black, then we all offered garlands and put in flowers for those who were absent. I put in flowers for Chris in London, my son Sheriar, my parents and sister. Ted sang "I Walk With The King" and Cindy Lowe sang too.  Meherwan and Falu were ready to leave once this was all done, and we went out to the car, followed shortly by Davana and Shelley.  As I left I was thinking, this is the last time that there will be a Meherazad visit to the Samadhi. From now on the Meherazad residents will come as other pilgrims do, and this is one more sign of the end of an era.

On the way down Falu shared a story about a psychic dog that had been brought to Meherazad when more of the Mandali were alive.  It was asked who was the poet and it went straight to Meheru!!  She really wrote lovely verse and new poems are coming to light as her things are being sorted.  Maybe there will be enough to print a book of Meheru's Verses!  Michael had asked that a stop be made to eat ice cream on the return journey, but I could not partake as I was staying back in Meherabad.   

At evening Arti I went to see her, and the black granite slab is in place.  The headstone will be put in place soon, and then there will be a full set up on the Hill.  My heart was filled with gratitude for all the time I had been given with her and the others who are now by their Beloved Baba.  They were each unique, each awesome.  Thank You Baba for everything!  Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai!!!

1 comment:

  1. I received this comment via email from Cindy Lowe and am sharing it with her permission because the Baba quote is so beautiful, and because her words ring true for me.

    Hi Mehera,

    I'm a real fan of your blog. You asked for responses so here's a Baba quote:

    Everlasting, never-ending, ever changing, ever the same
    And His oneness in it’s fullness plays in many-ness His game

    Everything is the same, everything is different. Yes. In music we call it an elision; when the last note of one phrase becomes the first note of another; the end and the beginning. Considering that universes are created and destroyed every moment, it makes sense but right now I cannot yet begin to fathom what we have lost and I cannot yet begin to imagine what we have gained.

    In Him,



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